FearNet spotlight on Creeping Hemlock Press and Print Is Dead. Blu Gilliand rocks.
Mediabistro/Galleycat press release, which is a condensed version of our press release, but still cool.
HorrorNews.Net runs the whole darned press release, and we goof up and add an "A." to Martin Mundt's name.
The Zombie Rights Campaign hates us.
Swedish Zombie reviews PRAY TO STAY DEAD. It's in Swedish, but there's an English translation at the bottom of the page.
"...PRAY TO STAY DEAD is a revelation," says Alex Riviello from Badass Digest.
He also likes WORLD IN RED and says that it's "the most relentlessly bleak book [he's] read since THE ROAD."
Blu likes PRAY TO STAY DEAD a lot and says that it "takes its place among [the zombie] genre's best..."
He likes SCAVENGERS, too...
And he says that WORLD IN RED is "almost unbearably bleak." (Am I sensing a trend here?)
Swedish Zombie loves SCAVENGERS and THIN THEM OUT.
PRAY TO STAY DEAD author Mason James Cole is interviewed in the October Country.
Nate Southard talks SCAVENGERS.
Did I miss something?
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